(Registered with the Charity Commission no 1209479)
Find Freedom & Healing through the power of the Gospel
"But how are men to call upon him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without a preacher? And how can men preach unless they are sent?” (ROM 10:14)

"Worship God. The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophesy" - Rev 19:10

"I feel so blessed to have discovered Unbound and so grateful for the experience. It has only been a week and so much has already changed in my life. I feel so much more empowered and like I’m becoming myself again, step by step. I know that my healing is a long journey but it feels like last Saturday removed a major block from my life that was preventing me from moving forward in freedom. What I received during the prayer was a sense of identity – I am a daughter of God and that’s all that I need. I am enough just as He created me. Just knowing that on its own has started healing so many of my wounds. I now have the foundation, a clean slate to start building my life again and from a much healthier standpoint, it’s like I’m a new-born........"
~ Edyta, Diocese of Nottingham
Testimonial from a priest who attended an UNBOUND Priest Retreat:
"If you need a retreat to experience more of the love of God the Father, the fraternal support of brother priests, enlightening teaching, and time and space with Jesus, I highly recommend this one."

John, London, UK
“I have a new sense of God's love for means trust in that. I am deeply grateful that I have able to God as 'Father' and to receive His blessing."
UNBOUND Freedom in Christ Conference, Lincoln
Anon, UK
“The team put me at ease and I felt able to share. The Father's Blessing was a wonderful experience."
UNBOUND Freedom in Christ Conference, Lincoln
Jane, East Anglia, UK
“So much of the Conference has spoken powerfully to me but the highlight was the ministry I received. Amidst lots of tears, I felt a deep, deep peace envelop me- that continued when I woke up the next day and I realised what I had known in my head was now embedded in my heart."
UNBOUND Freedom in Christ Conference, Lincoln

“During my ministry session, I realised that I had believed the lie that ‘I have to be responsible for my siblings’. It was a lie that had held me in so much bondage that I had carried as such a burden…. When that lie was renounced, I saw in my spirit the most beautiful hot air balloon rising in freedom.
As I was receiving the Father’s Blessing (I had never been blessed as a son), I was aware of the prayer leader’s hand on my shoulder and I felt for the first time that I was completely affirmed and blessed as a son by my Father, “Abba” - “Daddy”. As time has passed since my Unbound session, having that lie broken off my life and receiving that blessing, has totally changed my relationships. I am not as hard on other people, nor on myself - and I can enjoy each day as a son of God the Father.”
~ Tom, Liverpool, UK
“Without the love of the person leading you through that prayer, it's just another prayer but Unbound Ministry is not just another prayer. This is the way to find that ultimate freedom. When I was led to the final part - the command - it was like someone ripping something out of me that had become part of me and had grow around me and become part of my core…..The thing that sealed me in my freedom today was the Father’s Blessing….it is like a protection around me. For me, Unbound ministry has set me free….”
~ Noel, Halifax, UK

Anne, Lincolnshire, UK
“Jesus touched an area of my life that I don't think I had fully surrendered and that I kept pushing away. I now have peace, healing and greater freedom."
UNBOUND Freedom in Christ Conference, Lincoln
Dave, UK
“I received freedom from a lie that has been over my identity for years. The team supported me in renouncing the false identity. The blessing felt like a soothing anointing - and I felt a release of Holy Spirit within."
UNBOUND Freedom in Christ Conference, Lincoln
Anon, UK
“I have been freed from the lies about myself and past family relations. I have been able to forgive."
UNBOUND Freedom in Christ Conference, Lincoln
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