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for the Charity "UNBOUND Deliverance Ministry Training and Events UK"

Informing you of what information we may collect, why we collect it and what we do with it.


The charity Unbound Deliverance Ministry Training & Events UK (“We/Us/Our”) offer Unbound prayer ministry (“Ministry”) appointments to clients (“Clients”) who ask for Ministry in accordance with Our guidelines and procedures. Our Our team consists of volunteer trainers, prayer ministry members, administrators and helpers (“Team”). Our Team do not offer counselling or advice.  In order to arrange and hold Ministry appointments, we collect such data as may be required to contact Clients by phone, email or address in order to operate an effective booking system and also information to assess whether Ministry is appropriate for that Client.  This may include details of their past history including their medical history, and their religious, marital and sexual preferences (“Further Details”).  We also retain Team member application forms completed to join the Ministry and relevant training and peer review information.


In addition, we are supporting the establishment and operation of other Unbound ministry teams across the UK (“UK Teams”).  We also offer advice and training to other organisations who approach us for guidance on using the 5 Keys of Unbound ministry in other ministry settings. 


We do not share details of Our Clients with any other Unbound ministry team or any other ministry without the prior written consent of the Client.


We operate this website to promote our local work and support the establishment and running of other UK Unbound teams and ministries.


We operate within the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nottingham (“DofN”) with the permission of the Bishop of the Diocese.  We follow the DofN’s policies for Data Protection, Privacy and Safeguarding.


The Data Protection Regulations, otherwise known as GDPR, effective from 25th May 2018, ask businesses and charities to be clear on personal data collected and how it is used.  This privacy policy explains what personal data We collect about the Client, the Team and the UK Teams (“You / Your”) and how We use it. References to personal information or data means information or data on You.


Typical Processing

So as to stay in touch with You about Our news and information about events, conferences and retreats and so as to be able to offer You Ministry appointments and follow up appointments, it is essential that We keep accurate and contemporaneous records. When You contact Us and/or request to stay in touch with Us (either at a conference, via our website or by telephone, text, email or message or in person), We collect your basic personal contact information which may include your name, address, telephone/mobile number and email address.  If you decide to receive Ministry, we collect further information via our “Intake Form” which includes, but is not limited to, the Further Details.


We similarly keep records of Our Team, including personal contact details and training logs. We  keep records of contact details about You if you have attended a conference, retreat, event or Ministry appointment.  Client Ministry appointment records, Team paperwork and conference, retreat and event records are stored on paper locally and/or electronically as appropriate. 


If you come for a Ministry appointment in addition to general Client details, We may also collect Further Details.  All these records are updated when necessary and are not retained any longer than required (as set out below). The information is collated to comply with Our legal and regulatory obligations, and to meet Our obligations in relation to Your health and needs.  You have the right to refuse to provide this information.  However, should this occur, We may not be able to offer you Ministry or otherwise. 


All information shared by You, whether written or verbal, is private and confidential. We will not share this information without your express consent. The only exception to this is if there is a safeguarding issue raised during Ministry. Only in this instance will relevant personal details/case data be disclosed to the relevant authorities, such as; Safeguarding Officers, police, doctor, paramedics, court of law, or social services or similar.


How do we collect your information and keep your details safe?  

Paper records:

We take written records from You during an Ministry consultation (including Ministry offered at a conference, retreat or event) which may be by email, phone or in person. The paper copies are stored securely before then being destroyed at 12 months after Your final Ministry session.


Digital records: 

We take a number of steps to ensure digital records are kept secure. This includes a password protected database with a constantly updated firewall. Once registered as a Charity with the Charity Commission, We will be register and will comply with the Information Commissioners Office requirements.


Basis of Processing Special Categories of Data

Under Article 9 of the GDPR, Our normal basis for processing special categories of data is that the Application Form to be on the Team requires the consent to note an applicant’s "racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation”.  In addition, we store character references provided by the Team on paper locally and/or electronically as appropriate.

No children’s data is processed.


Access to Data

For the purposes of relevant law, Our Data Controller is Susan Walsh and the Data Processors are those persons authorised by her from time to time, to access data.


Right to Correction and Deletion

You have a right to access any personal information We hold on You. To do this simply put a request in writing to Us via the "Contact Us" page. We then will provide You with a record of data held within one month of Your request.  You have the right to ask Us to correct or remove information You think is inaccurate. You have the right to ask Us to remove some or all of Your personal information from Our records.


Retention Policy

If You have requested and/or received Ministry, Your paper data will be retained for 12 months from the date of final contact and then destroyed.  We will keep electronic data records which may include but is not limited to Your name, email, address, phone number, dietary requirements and accessibility requirements for 6 years. We may keep and archive anonymised data indefinitely for statistical purposes.


Data on Our past Team members who have ceased to serve (either giving explicit notice or through lack of contact with Us) will be retained for 6 years from the date of final contact and then deleted and/or destroyed (if paper).


These policies will be followed except if We are required by law, to keep certain data for longer periods. After this time, We will erase Your personal information.


Necessary Communications & Electronic Marketing

If You give Us Your email address and/or phone number(s), We will assume You consent to Us replying and utilising this to converse with You. We may also use this information to send You reminders of future Ministry appointments and to enquire about Your wellbeing after Ministry.  

If You attended an conference, retreat or event organised by Us and provide Your information to Us,


We may also use this information to contact You concerning that event.

Under The Private and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 and subsequent legislation, We acknowledge that no-one may be sent bulk electronic communications by e-mail, SMS or similar, without explicitly ‘opting-in'.


Data Breaches

Any data breaches are serious and will be investigated. Where a breach is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals, We will notify those concerned directly and all other bodies required by law.



If You believe there is a problem with the way We are handling our data, please inform Us by using the ‘Contact Us’ button on our website.


Review of this Policy

This policy document was added on 29 February 2020. It was reviewed by Us on 29th October 2024.  It will be reviewed again October 2026.  The review will check whether the policy needs to be updated in the light of new legislation or diocesan policies, whether the policies outlined are being implemented across the organisation and whether any data is being processed needlessly.

Privacy: Text


Registered as a CIO with the Charity Commission - No 1209479

Based in Lincoln, United Kingdom

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