(Registered with the Charity Commission no 1209479)
Find Freedom & Healing through the power of the Gospel
"But how are men to call upon him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without a preacher? And how can men preach unless they are sent?” (ROM 10:14)
The most important 'Patrons' a ministry can have are their spiritual patrons appointed from the cloud of witnesses, gone before us. Our patrons have been chosen to be special intercessors with God on behalf of our ministry, the team and our mission. Our elected advocates below have been chosen and appointed because of the connection these saints have to us. We will explain more below.

Feast Day: 28th September
Patron of: Big Problems, difficult marriages, family conflicts, addictions, and anxieties
As a ministry with a heart for the evangelisation of the British Isles, we turn to Our Lady, especially as 'Our Lady, Undoer of Knots'. All things are possible with the Lord and we know that He has given His mother the task of Undoing impossible knots, in impossible situations on His behalf. Our Lady became our Patron in 2019 when she tackled some impossible knots preparing for the Unbound Conferences. She has been with us ever since quietly in the background presenting various 'knots' to her Son.
Dearest Mother Mary, Queen of Heaven and Queen of Peace, we cry out to you begging you to intercede on our behalf before your precious Son, Jesus Christ, to loosen the impossible knots before us, our ministry and those who come to receive ministry.
Our Lady, Undoer of Knots, pray for us!
Feast Day: 22nd September
Patron of: Youth, Families and World Youth Day
Saint John Paul II was one of the great evangelisers of recent times. He spiritual journey was also deeply routed in his belief in Jesus' Divine Mercy for us.
The five keys of UNBOUND are founded in the gospel message of love, hope and mercy. As such, the five keys form part of the tool kit of an evangelist. UNBOUND ministry evangelises and proclaims the joy of the gospel and at the same time tells of the Father's endless mercy for us as sinners.
Saint Pope John Paul II, we need your intercession so that we too may become the evangelists and bearers of compassion and mercy for all God's people. May all people come to discover who they are in Christ through the mission of UNBOUND.
St John Paul II, pray for us!

Feast Day: 29th September
Patron of: grocers, soldiers, doctors, mariners, paratroopers, police and sickness
St. Michael is associated with courage, protection and divine intervention.
He is a spiritual warrior in the battle of good versus evil. He is considered a champion of justice, a healer of the sick and the guardian of the Church.
St Michael, in the ministry of inner healing and deliverance, you are a powerful intercessor and defender for us. We ask that you will always walk ahead of everything we do and defend us in each day of battle!
Pray for us St Michael!
Feast Day: 29th June
Patron of: Missionaries, writers, theologians, evangelists and Gentile Christians
As we know from scripture, St Paul was a prolific writer, prophet, teacher and missionary. He began life persecuting the early Christians and ended his life as a Christian martyr.
St Paul, please pray that we may be saturated with the same passion for Jesus as you and pursue our mission in Christ with the same vigour.
St Paul pray for us!
Feast Day: 12th October
Patron of: Internet & Computer Programmers
Blessed Carlos Acutis used his knowledge of computers and coding to build websites for Catholic organisations. His most popular website was one that listed all the known miracles relating to the Eucharist. He completed the site shortly before his death.
Blessed Carlos Acutis, please pray for us as we also use the internet and the power of this website, in Jesus name, to transform and change lives through the ministry of UNBOUND.
Blessed Carlos, pray for us!
Feast Day: 4th August
Patron of: Clergy
St. John Vianney was a French priest who was renowned for his holiness and as a confessor and for his supernatural powers.
St John Vianney, please pray for all Christian clergy across the world that they may be open to ministry of UNBOUND and pursue holiness with your passion.
St John Vianney pray for us!
Feast Day: 19th March (also 1st May)
Patron of: Workers
St. Joseph is the husband of Our Lady and foster father to Jesus. Joseph fulfilled his mission to provide a home and love and care for Jesus and Mary. He became their protector and provider. He provided the environment for Jesus to flourish and begin his earthly mission.
St Joseph, please pray that we may all learn to serve and love others as you did. Pray that we may love unconditionally without judgement and remain faithful to our calling no matter how difficult.
St Joseph pray for us!